Meet Our Agile Marketing Experts & Co.

All our Sherpas combine marketing expertise with in-depth Agile knowledge. They’ve climbed the Agile marketing mountain, so they can guide you safely to its peak.

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Your Agile center of excellence doesn’t get marketing, but we do.

Agile resources are amazing for supporting long-term transformation, but they rarely contain experienced marketers. AgileSherpas can partner with your CoE to deliver tailored trainings that mesh with the organization’s journey and work for marketing. 

Let's Work Together
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No huge on-your-own slide decks here. We’re your guides on this journey.

If hundreds of slides could create agility, everybody would do it. We don’t deliver a slide deck and walk away; we stick around for ongoing coaching and offer train-the-trainer programs to embed Agile capabilities in your marketing organization, for good. 

Connect With A Sherpa

We’re (Agile)Sherpas Through & Through

It’s no good having a guide who’s never climbed your particular mountain before (how will they know where the grizzly bears live?!). All our Sherpas have been up and down the Agile marketing mountain, so they’ll guide you every step of the way. And when you’re ready to bring others along, we leave you with all the necessary tools to repeat the climb. 

Alpine Ascents Foundation

Our support of Alpine Ascents Foundation and their Sherpa Education Fund

While Sherpas are renowned for their extreme mountaineering prowess, they are first and foremost indigenous Himalayan people who have resided on the borders of Nepal and Tibet. Sherpas are extraordinary people who have bravely and peacefully faced extreme conditions for over 6,000 years.

AgileSherpas proudly supports Alpine Ascents Foundation's Sherpa Education Fund, which provides funds to educate children in Nepal.

Learn More About The Sherpa Education Fund

Our Latest Agile Marketing Insights

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Avoiding the Biggest Business Development Strategy Pitfall

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Understanding the Role of PMs in Agile Marketing

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Why Better Project Plan Quality Starts with Doing Less

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Ready to Climb
with a Sherpa?

Talk with one of our partners to learn how we can help you reach your own peak of marketing agility.

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