Pam Ashby

Agile Trainer & Coach
“As a Sherpa I’m able to work with people and organisations to deepen their understanding of both Agile and agility, so they can not only develop new skills, but make more of those they already have!” Pam Ashby is a Trainer and Coach at AgileSherpas, leading virtual courses in Agile Marketing Leadership and Agile Marketing Fundamentals. She also works with  individuals and organisations, supporting them to take an integrated and Agile approach to marketing, improving value and results.

In over 30 years as a marketer, Pam has worked in-house and agency-side, as a journalist and in PR, led international marketing teams and provided coaching for  marketing professionals. Her experience spans large multinationals and startups, and her conclusion is solid across all perspectives – an Agile approach is powerful (and necessary) for marketers.

Pam is regularly invited to contribute her thought leadership around Marketing Agility for webinars, conferences, articles and events. In early 2020, Pam founded the Marketing Agility Community as a hub for marketers of all disciplines to explore agility together, sharing and learning from each other.

She is an AgilePM® Practitioner, a Certified Scrum Master, Certified Professional – Agility in Marketing (ICP-MKG), Certified Professional – Leading with Agility and an Authorized Instructor with the International Consortium of Agile.Pam is a certified coach, and holds diplomas in NLP, Marketing, and Digital Marketing. She has a degree in English Language and Literature from King’s College, London.

Pam believes an effective workplace culture should encourage agile principles aligned to a growth mindset, with an emphasis on transparency and collaboration. She supports a pragmatic approach, so effort always supports purpose and everyone understands their part in the overall vision.

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Active Listening for Agile Marketing Leaders

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