Accelerate Your Career with Agile Marketing

Agile marketers are far more likely to report they’re satisfied with their work, and expertise in marketing agility is becoming increasingly valuable on the job market. For a happier professional life and better job opportunities, Agile marketing needs to be on your resume.

Become the most valuable marketer you can be (and enjoy a less stressful work life) with individual training and coaching.

Intro to Agile Marketing

In this self-paced, online course, our co-founder, Andrea Fryrear, guides you through the basics of Agile marketing, including its origins, common applications, and worst myths. This on-demand course offers a real-life look at the basics of marketing agility.

50 Minutes, Self-Paced

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More Agile marketing departments = increased demand for Agile marketers

In 2023, a year already marked with economic uncertainty, the majority of marketers feel the need for process agility. Per the 6th Annual State of Agile Marketing Report: 51% of marketers are using Agile marketing today. Of those that aren't yet Agile but plan to be, 82% intend to implement the framework within the next twelve months.

When asked how the current economic climate impacts their decision to adopt Agile, 51% of respondents said it makes them more likely to adopt.

Individual Learning Options

The Agile Fundamentals course helped shape and consolidate Agile marketing concepts in practical ways that I can apply to my role and organization. I would recommend this course to both marketing professionals and organisations embarking on an agile transformation journey.

Pedro Cordero

Head of Performance Marketing, Future Present

AgileSherpas content digs deeper and gets way more specific, and it's all from the marketing perspective. Any marketers who are serious about agility need to dive into this stuff ASAP.

Jonathan Sexton

Global Marketing and Communications, Crossmint

I now feel like I have a good understanding of the concepts and how to put them in to practice. The course content was engaging and informative. I'm excited to see the way my marketing team transforms as we move to Agile. Highly recommend!

Alyssa Love

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