Why Choose the Agile Marketing Methodology?

To Bridge Your Marketing Operations Gap

The operations gap has many names: waste, inefficiency, the marketing black hole. They all mean the underlying system is broken.

As audience expectations rise and channels proliferate, marketing must evolve to keep pace. Agile saved software development at the start of the twenty-first century, and it offers a way forward for marketers too -- if we approach it the right way.

Marketing Agility is Different

Agile Marketing is the antidote to inefficiencies and disjointed strategies. Unlike traditional marketing, it’s a modern way of thinking and working that is iterative, adaptive, data-driven, and customer-focused. Agile Marketing cuts through disruption and delivers proven results by increasing productivity, effectiveness, speed to market, and employee engagement. In short, if you want your marketing team to stop starting and start finishing, you need Agile Marketing.


Speak to a Sherpa

We’ve Learned a Lot About How Agile Resolves Marketing’s Biggest Issues 


Align marketing strategy with enterprise goals. Shift to adaptive strategy cycles that cut through the clutter of endless requests.


Focus on outcomes over outputs. Make marketing's strategic value measurable through clear objectives and key results.

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Stop missing opportunities by leveraging the power of cross-functional teams that can rally around creating customer-centric initiatives, and bring them to life with speed.


Rein in out-of-control operational costs by streamlining processes that cut out waste and delays. Use the right tools to focus on the right work.

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Do the right work at the right time. When everything is a priority, nothing is. Align on a prioritization framework that puts the highest value work at the top of the pile.

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Create laser-focused strategy centered on customer needs. Experiment, test, learn, and base decisions of customer validated data.

We have optimized our team structures to be able to prioritize our marketing campaigns based on the value that they truly bring to our customers.

Zach Meixner

Senior Digital Program Manager at M&T Bank Corporation

Work In Progress (WIP) limits was key to our volume challenge - we learned to stop starting and start finishing, allowing the team to focus on fewer projects, with the highest-priority work to get done first.

Darci Helbling

Executive Director, Global Marketing Operations at Charles River

AgileSherpas has the Marketing Edge

We are marketers first. That’s why our approach is tailored to the demands faced by marketing organizations. Through years of experience, we developed a suite of solutions that can address every Agile Marketing need. No matter how big or small your team is, our training, coaching, and consulting suite can be shaped around your context.

Marketing Agility Intelligence

This 30-Day program was designed for leaders and teams that want actionable intelligence about their marketing department’s current state. Our Marketing Agility Intelligence program helps you pinpoint your process problems so you can fix them sustainably and systematically. 

Ready to stop spinning and start sprinting?

Marketing Agility Intelligence includes expert analysis, actionable insights, and tailored next steps to pinpoint the root causes of your process problems, and fix them.


Learn More

Industry Leading Insights: State of Agile Marketing Report 2023

Agile marketers are more productive, aligned with the business, and responsive to change. In the 6th Annual State of Agile Marketing Report, learn how Agile Marketing leads the way in helping teams do the right work faster, and at a higher level of quality.

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Why Learn From Us?

In addition to co-authoring the ICAgile curriculum, our Sherpas have worked with over 5,000 business agilists and trained more Agile marketers than any other training team in the world. Whether you need to design Agile teams, run effective sprints, or lead a full transformation, we've got you covered.

We specialize in business agility transformations for non-technical teams (marketing, sales, finance, human resources, legal, compliance, and procurement). We've trained across teams of all sizes and industries. We have seen everything from highly regulated industries like pharma and finance to tricky specialties like in-house creative teams and external marketing agencies.

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