Your Path Towards Agile Marketing Success is Unique

Our Sherpas have mapped different paths towards true marketing agility suitable for any level of the marketing organization, from individual marketer to CMO.

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Educate Marketing Individuals

Agile marketers are far more likely to report they’re satisfied with their work, and expertise in marketing agility is becoming increasingly valuable on the job market. For a happier professional life and better job opportunities, Agile marketing needs to be on your resume.

Start Your Journey
Creating Your Very Own Cross-Functional Agile Marketing Team[1920x1080]

Develop an Agile Marketing Team

Take your team through Agile marketing training together, and watch their work transform. Lead your team towards high performance by building their confidence in Agile theory and practice.

Lead Your Team to Agility
5 Reasons Your Enterprise Needs Agile Marketing[1920x1080]

Transform the Marketing Organization

Map your journey to the peak of marketing agility with an AgileSherpa by your side. Implement Agile marketing across your organization by exploring training, coaching and consulting tailored for the marketing function. 

Explore Your Options

Online or In-Person Certification Course

Designed by the world's leading experts in Agile marketing, this interactive, top-rated workshop provides everything you need to start down the path to real marketing agility. Topics covered include: 

  • Effective planning in Agile Marketing
  • Practice with popular Agile frameworks for marketing teams such as Kanban, Scrum and Scrumban
  • Team dynamics & structures in an Agile world
  • First steps to making Agile marketing a reality in your organization
Learn more

Online or In-Person Certification Course

Designed by the world's leading experts in Agile marketing, this cutting-edge workshop equips you with the competencies & capabilities to become an effective Agile leader for your team or organization. Topics covered include:

  • Leadership's role in business agility
  • Agile case studies & adaptive leadership styles
  • Developing yourself as a leader
  • Building an Agile culture in your organization
  • Prioritizing backlogs for your team
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A dedicated sherpa to guide your team towards success

Sometimes a journey calls for long-term guidance, and AgileSherpas is here to help. Our extended coaching and consulting options allow you to retain an Agile Sherpa to help you navigate the first 6-18 months of your ascent towards marketing agility.

Learn more
Agile Marketing Fundamentals
Agile Marketing Leadership
Marketing Agility Coaching

Discover training & coaching options
built for your context

Whether you are a CMO at the head of your department, marketing director leading a team or a marketing individual looking for the benefits of Agile, we have training and coaching options that can help you advance on your Agile marketing journey.

Not sure which route to take?

Connect with an AgileSherpas partner to discuss which path is best for you, your team, or your organization. 

Contact Us

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