6th Annual
State of Agile Marketing


For six years in a row, we’ve been interviewing thousands of marketers to keep track of the latest developments related to Agile adoption and its value to them. In 2023, we went global and surveyed 750+ professionals working in marketing from 24 different countries.

Download the report to learn how Agile is helping them conquer their top priorities, see the latest adoption trends, and so much more.

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A Thank You to
Our Friends


Over the years, we’ve had the honor of being supported by some amazing organizations in our effort to keep track of the Agile evolution within marketing. 

The 6th Annual State of Agile Marketing Report was produced in partnership with the Agile Marketing Alliance. We thank them for helping us shed light on the latest Agile developments in the world of marketing.



51% of traditional marketers are more likely to adopt Agile because of the current economic climate

Traditional marketers are feeling pressured by economic uncertainty in 2023. As a result, more than half see Agile as an advantage in dealing with it.


76% of Agile marketers are able to prioritize work more effectively

Among the benefits experienced by marketers after applying Agile ways of working, the biggest is better prioritization. It’s followed closely by improved team productivity and better quality of marketing deliverables.


80% of Agile marketers found Agile certification courses valuable

Ongoing education remains a key prerequisite for successfully adopting Agile. Certification courses, conferences, and Agile coaching proved to be the most valuable resources for this in 2023.

Spot the Trends

This year, the data continues to speak for itself, revealing that marketing departments who shift all their teams to Agile ways of working far outperform their peers who keep agility isolated. 

Once again, it's evident that marketers are maturing in their adoption of Agile, which we've been observing for 6 consecutive years.

Check out our key findings from the previous five reports below.

Key Findings from Previous Reports

Key Findings in 2018:

  • 37% of marketing teams were using an Agile process
  • 61% of traditional marketers reported plans to go Agile within 12 months
  • 37% of marketers pointed out lack of training or knowledge about Agile approaches as their biggest adoption barrier
Explore the State of Agile Marketing in 2018

Key Findings in 2019:

  • 32% of marketing teams were considering themselves Agile
  • 50% of traditional marketers were planning to adopt Agile within a year
  • 31% of marketers were citing lack of education as the top barrier to adopting Agile
Explore the State of Agile Marketing in 2019

Key Findings in 2020:

  • 42% of all marketers were working in an Agile environment
  • 42% of traditional marketers were intending to adopt Agile within a year
  • 44% of marketers pointed out lack of training or knowledge about Agile approaches as their biggest adoption barrier
Explore the State of Agile Marketing in 2020

Key Findings in 2021:

  • 51% of all surveyed marketers were using Agile
  • 93% of marketing teams were planning to adopt Agile within the next 12 months
  • 43% of all surveyed marketers were citing lack of training or knowledge about Agile approaches as their biggest adoption barrier
Explore the State of Agile Marketing in 2021

Key Findings in 2022:

  • 91% of non-Agile marketing departments planned to implement Agile within the year
  • 40% of marketers cited lack of training as the biggest barrier to adopting Agile
  • 63% of Agile marketers were able to better manage changing priorities
Explore the State of Agile Marketing in 2022
1st Annual State of Agile Marketing Report
2nd Annual State of Agile Marketing Report
3rd Annual State of Agile Marketing Report
4th Annual State of Agile Marketing Report
5th Annual State of Agile Marketing Report

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