30-Day Recharge

Is your process not working but you're not sure why? It's time for a recharge.

It takes time, energy, and budget to get Agile up and running. But those early investments don't last forever. 

Over time, teams lose momentum. But that doesn't mean they have to lose their agility.

The 30-Day Recharge gives you data-driven insight into your practices, processes, and people, plus a customized learning roadmap to address your biggest issues.

And you won't be making the improvements alone. Certified Agile marketing coaches help facilitate, steer, and reinforce the changes through real-time feedback, recharging the team's commitment to Agile ways of working. 

Climb side by side with your coach for 30 days, then keep access to your online lessons for another two months. 

Talk to a Sherpa today about how to reinvigorate your team's ways of working with the 30-Day Recharge. 

Talk to a Sherpa!

Why the 30-Day Recharge Works

  • Delivered 100% online so team members can participate from anywhere in the world
  • Assesses the maturity of your team, processes, events, tools, data, and more
  • Provides a customized learning roadmap driven by team assessment results
  • Includes regular coaching sessions for the whole team to activate the recommendations
  • Provides 3 months of access to the online modules relevant to the team's progress
  • Works great for single teams who want to improve their ways of working, or in "team of teams" settings where everybody could use a boost

Marketing Agility Solutions Trusted By:

Don't Climb Alone.
Bring a Sherpa.

Bring the right guides to ensure your Agile marketing journey starts right and ends at the peak, not in a crevasse.

Talk to a Sherpa!

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