Is Agile Marketing a Productivity Booster or Buzzword?

It’s likely you’ve heard the term ‘agile marketing’ at least once today. It’s a hot topic in marketing circles and it doesn’t look like it’s going anywhere soon; either you’re using it, thinking of using it, or perhaps, you’re in that group who just doesn’t quite get it.

Recently Screendragon, a leading cloud-based project, resource, and workflow management solution, contacted me to share the results of a survey they conducted on agile marketing.

Disappointingly, as much as 38% of the 300 marketing and agency professionals surveyed said they only have a vague idea of the meaning of agile marketing. In addition, 9% said agile marketing is just another buzzword (I suspect they'll feel silly about this response in another year or so).

To get some more interesting insights on the state of agile marketing as perceived by marketing and agency professionals, check out Screendragon’s infographic below.

screendragon agile marketing survey

Screendragon surveyed 300 marketing and agency professionals, ranging from CMO’s to Account Directors and Marketing Managers in 2016.

About the Author:

Síle Cleary is the Head of Digital Marketing at Screendragon, a leading cloud-based project, resource and workflow management solution, designed for the needs of high performance teams. Síle has worked in the digital marketing space for over seven years, leveraging marketing technology to successfully generate new business, streamline marketing processes as well as to provide superior customer value. In addition, her background as a journalist has proved instrumental in establishing her as a leader in the area of content marketing.



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