Agile Marketing, Interrupted

Like it or not, marketing teams are going to experience interruptions.

They might be the good kind, like an emerging news event that we want to join the conversation about.

Or they might be the bad kind, like a PR disaster that we have to try and handle.

Then again, they might be the leadership kind. These usually come with a statement like, "You're Agile now, you should be able to handle my arbitrary changes without batting an eye."

Whatever their flavor, interruptions happen.

So this week's Agile Marketing Minute video shares a few ways to deal with these interruptions:


For more on handling interruptions, check out these written resources:

Interrupt-Driven Agile Marketing: What to do when your dream of uninterrupted Sprint bliss evaporates in the face of reality.

Sprint Planning for Teams that Have Lots of Interruptions: Written by Agile development guru Mike Cohn, this dev-centric piece still has some good takeaways for Agile marketing teams.

4 Patterns for Handling Interruptions: Four interesting ways to deal with this harsh reality, courtesy of Solutions IQ.

Have a burning Agile marketing question you’d like our trainers to tackle? Drop our Lead Trainer a line (Andrea AT AgileSherpas DOT com). (Don't worry, she won't mind the interruption.)



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