Fighting VUCA with VUCA

Like virtually everyone else, our AgileSherpas team has spent much of the past week trying to form a coherent response to a volatile world and ground that’s rapidly shifting beneath us. It now seems like a monumental understatement to declare that we live in a world marked by VUCA (volatility, uncertainty, complexity, ambiguity). 

We’ve theorized for a while that Agile marketing could help marketers weather a potential economic downturn. Now we’re facing something far more serious. Many of our clients, students, and audience members come from mission-critical industries, like healthcare, pharmaceuticals, and financial services, that will be key to helping us all get through this. They need to proceed as efficiently and effectively as possible, now more than ever. Even those beyond these intense front lines will find themselves working to keep struggling businesses afloat in the coming months. 

We want to offer Agile marketers as much support as we can.

To try and support our fellow marketers and the industries they serve in whatever small way we can, we’re making the following available over the next couple of weeks:

  • Our 80-minute Introduction to Agile Marketing will be offered for free indefinitely, starting today. Everyone needs agility right now; this course provides a basic starting point. 
  • I hope you’ll take advantage of that option, because it’s a great prerequisite for the Agile Marketing Accelerator course we’ll be launching next week. This one won’t be free, but it will be offered at considerable discount. This course will provide detailed, step-by-step guidance to get new Agile marketing teams to get up and running ASAP. If you want notification when it goes live, drop your email here
  • Our Sherpas will provide free office hours, starting this week. If you’re on an Agile marketing team struggling to respond to this environment, jump on and we’ll help as much as we can. Hours for this week will be: Wed, Mar 18 from 12:30-1:00pm MDT; Thu, Mar 19 from 1:00-1:30pm MDT; Fri, Mar 20 from 7:30-8:00am MDT. Click the link at the stated time to join a live Zoom call with a Sherpa, and/or email to be added to the meeting invite(s). If there’s strong demand, we’ll expand these hours accordingly. 
  • For those looking for more intensive coaching, book time with one of our partners to explore reduced pricing on a concentrated block of virtual coaching hours. 
  • Lastly, we have space remaining in our upcoming online session of our most popular course, Agile Marketing Fundamentals, which kicks off on Friday, April 3. More virtual courses will be opening in the coming weeks.

It’s time to fight VUCA with VUCA. 

In the face of volatility, we turn to visibility to show us the right work to do.

We combat uncertainty with organization-wide unity around our audience and their needs.

Complexity is no match for clarity of purpose, path, and process.

We can dispel ambiguity with the deliberate application of agility.

We’re in this together; let’s support one another as we respond to these unprecedented circumstances.

Yours in agility (and hand washing), 
Andrea Fryrear
AgileSherpas Co-Founder



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