Agile Marketing Webinars and Podcasts

Our annual State of Agile Marketing reports consistently reveals a lack of understanding about Agile marketing as the primary barrier standing between marketers and greater agility. Agile marketing webinars and podcasts offer a great way to bridge this gap.

There's lots of fantastic written Agile marketing content, including tons of free resources here on (see also Death of a Marketer by yours truly, Hacking Marketing by Scott Brinker, and Scrum: Twice the Work in Half the Time by Jeff Sutherland, for starters).

But sitting down and powering through a massive blog post or a whole book isn’t always the right move (or the preferred means of learning).

Things like podcasts and webinars may be more inline with some learning styles and opportunities, so we’re pulling together a list of these additional pieces here.

Agile Marketing Webinars

Note: some of these may require registration to view.

Agile Marketing: 6 Easy Steps to Becoming an Agile Marketing Team

Speakers: Scott Adams, Creative Project Manager, Starbucks; Nicholas Scholz, Solutions Marketing Manager, Workfront

Summary: Experts are saying that Agile Marketing practices will be ubiquitous by 2020, so how can you get your team started and ahead of the curve?

To get started will require choosing the right variation of Agile, and being willing to assess and reassess in order to get the best from your people. This webinar will answer the questions, “What kinds of Agile might work for us?”, “What should a new marketing team be looking for when we assess our methodology?” and “What kinds of questions should we be asking to get the most out of Agile?”

We establish a series of six actionable steps—using insights from industry experts—to becoming an Agile marketing team.

Agile Marketing 101 Training

Speakers: Raechel Duplain, Sr. Marketing Program Manager, Workfront

Summary: In the ever-changing world of digital marketing, operational efficiency, quick turn around times, testing, and adapting to change are crucial to success. However, 46% of marketers are working with a mix of project management ideologies, and many more continue to struggle with lost productivity, missed deadlines, and too much rigidity.

Agile Marketing is a growing trend among marketers that is proven to yield great results. The problem is, most marketers know next to nothing about Agile, and they don’t have easy access to Agile experts who can help.


This webinar will provide a 101 level education about Agile for marketers, including:

  • What “Agile” means
  • How to apply Agile to your work
  • How to structure your team
  • Tips for a smooth transition

The State of Agile Marketing

Speakers: Andrea Fryrear, Co-founder, Agile Marketing Coach and Trainer, AgileSherpas; Zoe Randolph, Content Marketing Associate, Kapost

Summary: When we teamed up with AgileSherpas to survey hundreds of marketers for the 1st Annual State of Agile Marketing Report, we found that 37% of marketing teams are using an Agile process. And that number is only going to grow, with 61% of traditional marketers planning to go Agile within the next year.
Want to find out how your team can increase its agility?

See what we found out when we sat down with Andrea Fryrear, Co-founder, Agile Marketing Coach and Trainer

Webinar Highlights

  • Why traditional marketing teams are going Agile (and why you should too)
  • The greatest barriers to Agile marketing (and how to overcome them)
  • The Agile techniques that work best for marketers (because we love to make things our own)

Agile Marketing 101: Market faster and smarter. Get more done.

Speakers: Andrea Fryrear, Co-founder, Agile Marketing Coach and Trainer, AgileSherpas; Matt Dion, CEO, Mintent

Summary: In an increasingly crowded marketplace, marketers are struggling to rise above the noise with better quality content, and more of it. With multiple campaigns, a myriad of content assets at different stages in the workflow cycle, globally distributed teams, and ramped targets it’s no wonder content marketers are feeling the burn.

But Agile Marketing is changing the face of marketing for the better. Becoming agile is the answer for marketers who want to work smarter, not harder, and get more done.

In this 45-minute webinar, our speakers will show you how it is possible for any marketing team to adopt an Agile Marketing methodology within their own organization. Stop pouring time and resources into tactical work, and start managing more efficiently and with strategic intent.

Intro to Agile Marketing: Work Faster and Smarter by Changing How You Work

Speakers: Andrea Fryrear, Co-founder, Agile Marketing Coach and Trainer; David Lesue, Creative Director, Workfront

Summary: Are you struggling to keep pace with rapidly changing customer needs and market demands? Slowed down by organizational silos, hierarchies, and processes? It may be time to get Agile.

More than 90% of marketers who have adopted Agile marketing say it has improved their speed to market for ideas, products, and campaigns.

Whether your marketing organization is just curious, starting the transition or all in on Agile, the time to learn about Agile marketing is now! Join Agile marketing expert Andrea Fryrear, and Workfront Creative Director David Lesué, as they explore what it means to be an Agile marketer and provide practical tips on how your organization can make the transition.

Attend this webinar and learn how to:

  • Secure leadership buy-in to move to an Agile marketing methodology.
  • Respond to market changes more quickly.
  • Improve collaboration between departments and locations.
  • Avoid daily distractions and stay focused on the right priorities.

Adopt Agile Marketing Planning and Processes

Speakers: Tina Moffett, Senior Analyst, Forrester
NOTE: Forrester membership or $300 fee required

Summary: Customers expect brands to connect with them in the right context at the moment of need. Marketers cannot afford to stick to the annual marketing planning process; they must have flexibility to shift budgets to accommodate for today’s savvy consumers.

Marketers must adopt an agile planning process that has clear guardrails for goal setting, flexibility to test media allocation across channels, and integrated analysis for optimized executions. This webinar provides marketers with the guardrails needed for a more agile marketing planning and execution.

Refocus the marketing organization to plan in a flexible way that incorporates guardrails to better set goals, test strategies, and optimize investments in-flight.

Find tangible next steps for moving toward a more flexible marketing planning process.

How to Go Agile Without Going Crazy

Speakers: Andrea Fryrear, Co-founder, Agile Marketing Coach and Trainer, AgileSherpas; Carolyn Ghaie, Director of Activation Services, Aprimo

Summary: How a well-structured marketing organization is required to enable agile marketing and how to get started. Also touches on technology’s role in the overall solution.

Agile Marketing Webinar

Speakers: Tina Moffett, Senior Analyst, Forrester; Eric Yale, Principle Consultant, Forrester

Summary: Marketers struggle to keep up with their customers’ changing needs and preferences. Why? In part, it's because marketers dawdle on the drawing board while buyers go at lightning speed from awareness to decision to transaction.

Fortunately, there’s a solution: an agile marketing planning process that permits quick shifts in strategy and fast responses to today’s savvy customers.

During this webinar, Senior Analyst Tina Moffett and Principal Consultant Eric Yale discuss how you can use agile methodologies to transform your marketing approach. They will help you:

  • Understand the benefits of implementing an agile marketing planning process.
  • Learn the main tools and methods needed to apply agile concepts to your marketing strategy.
  • Identify tangible next steps for implementing flexible marketing planning.

Agile Marketing in 4 Steps

Speakers: Elizabeth Shaw, Research Director, Gartner

Summary: The modern marketing organization shoulders broader, more complex performance expectations than ever. Marketing leaders must build a diverse, adaptable range of team capabilities, while keeping their brands competitive amid rapid marketplace shifts.

In this webinar, discover the four steps you must take to build an agile marketing organization that can address rapidly evolving market demands.

Discussion Topics:

  • Plan for an agile marketing approach
  • Build successful teams and tap marketing partners
  • Equip your marketing team with the right tools and technology

Going With the Flow: Kanban Practices for Marketing

Speakers: Andrea Fryrear, Co-founder, Agile Marketing Coach and Trainer, AgileSherpas

Summary: The worlds of software and marketing are converging, but that doesn’t mean the two groups look the same when practicing Agile. Scrum, while still the dominant choice for developers, often fails to translate in a marketing environment.

But by incorporating more flow-based practices from the Kanban world, marketers can take Agile and make it their own.

This session draws on new research from hundreds of marketers, as well as on-the-ground experience from an Agile marketing coach. So if you’re struggling with Agile outside of IT, you may need to start going with the flow.

Agile: The Key to Faster, More Responsive Marketing

Speakers: Yuval Yeret, CTO, AgileSparks; Peter Herbert, Terminus

Summary: In this webinar, you’ll hear firsthand about Agile marketing and why it gives you a competitive advantage in your marketing operations. Agile Marketing experts from AgileSparks and Terminus will dive into the strategy and tactics behind Agile marketing.

They’ll also share an example of how a leading B2B account-based marketing team was able to successfully achieve marketing agility.

Yuval Yeret of AgileSparks, and Peter Herbert of Terminus cover the following:

  • What Agile marketing is all about, and why it is so important in helping you gain a competitive advantage in your marketing operations
  • Why more and more marketers are looking to Agile marketing to make them faster, more collaborative, and more responsive to the needs of their business
  • How a B2B marketing team successfully implemented Agile marketing in their organization

Using Agile Marketing to Drive Bottom-line Revenue

Speakers: Meagan French, Director of Marketing, Redbooth

Summary: Implementing agile at the team level typically improves productivity by 50-75%, yet internal marketing teams and agencies still struggle to adapt the methodology that was originally invented for product development.

In this informative webinar, Director of Marketing Meagan French examines how the Redbooth marketing team uses agile to help the team be more productive and drive bottom line revenue. We’ll focus on practical steps that marketing leaders can take to implement a holistic, iterative approach to improve team productivity and focus on the projects that grow the business.

In this webinar, you will learn:

  • How to adapt agile for more efficient, happy marketing teams.
  • Ways to minimize time in meetings, and use meetings strategically to focus the team around common initiatives.
  • Prioritizing the most important revenue-driving projects, while making sure that nothing falls through the cracks.
  • How to experiment with minimum viable marketing before embarking on resource intensive projects.

Beyond Agile Marketing Theory: Real-life Ways to Make Agile Work on Your Team

Speakers: Andrea Fryrear, AgileSherpas and Jeff Julian, Enterprise Marketer

Summary: Agile marketing is one of the best ways to create a content marketing program that produces high-quality work consistently over a long period of time, but how do we get there from here? 

This webinar will show you how.

Andrea Fryrear, a certified Scrum Master, Product Owner, and agile marketing practitioner, and Jeff Julian, a CMO who has been practicing agile for over a decade, will go beyond high-level theoretical discussions of agile principles to show you agile tactics for your content marketing team.

In this on-demand recording of Andrea and Jeff's webinar, you will learn:

  • How to create low-risk pilot programs to prove that agile marketing can work in your organization
  • The best way to build and run your first agile marketing sprint
  • Simple tools to help your team succeed
  • How to track your team effectively so you can accurately report on agile’s ROI 

Agile Marketing: How it Affects Content and Planning

Speakers: Bruce Brien, Chief Strategy Officer at Hive9 and Anji Ismail, NewsCred’s Director of Product

Summary: A common misconception about the agile marketing methodology is that it means you don’t need a documented strategy. But in fact, the opposite is true. Take a look at these two pros discuss the ins and outs of agile marketing’s impact on content and planning.

You’ll learn:

  • The principles of agile marketing
  • The impact of agile marketing on content creation and campaign planning
  • How it can maximize your marketing team’s time
  • How to build an agile team to continually optimize marketing efforts
  • Tips and best practices for going agile

Marketing Agility 20/20: An Agile Marketing Retrospective of 2019 and Predictions for 2020

Speakers: Andrea Fryrear, Co-founder, Agile Marketing Coach and Trainer, AgileSherpas and Ed Breault, CMO, Aprimo

Summary: What’s Agile Marketing? If you don’t know you betta ask somebody, or just listen to this episode.  

Join Aprimo's CMO Ed Breault and AgileSherpa's President and Lead Trainer Andrea Fryrear for a retrospective discussion of...

  • Key Agile learnings from 2019 
  • What marketers need to stop, start, and continue doing to make Agile work for them in 2020

Agile Marketing with Scrum – Meeting the Customer Wherever They Are

Speakers: Dave Dame, Professional Scrum Trainer

Summary: Dave explores how Scrum can help marketers deliver better products faster while collaborating with their teams and continuously learning about their customers. Dave shares real-life examples of how marketers have used Scrum to move their products forward. 

Agile Marketing Podcasts

There's nothing better than a podcast for long drives, boring treadmills runs, or lengthy plane rides. Here's a collection of some of the best Agile marketing podcasts out there for your listening pleasure.

What is Agile Marketing?

From the Lean Agile Management Podcast by Kanbanize

Speakers: Yuval Yeret, CTO, AgileSparks

Summary: In this episode of Lean Agile Management Podcast, Yuval Yeret explains what Agile Marketing is and what it is not. He reveals the problems of the traditional approach to marketing and shows how you can set your team on the path to Agile avoiding the most common mistakes.

We got the answers to these questions:

  • What are the first steps in getting started with Agile Marketing?
  • What's Agile Marketing look like? How would the team operate?
  • What are the short and long-term benefits of a genuine Agile transformation?

How to Use Agile Marketing to Get Extremely Organized

From the Actionable Content Marketing Podcast

Speaker: Jeff Julian, co-founder of Enterprise Marketer

Summary: When it comes to marketing, all of us want to work smarter and faster. In order to do that, marketers need to have not only the know-how, but also excellent project management and organization skills.

Some of the topics we’ll talk about today include:

  • What Enterprise Marketer is and what Jeff does there.
  • The definition of Agile Marketing and how Jeff has used it in his career. He also explains how the team works and defines some of the jargon that goes along with Agile Marketing.
  • The importance of scheduling and consistency.
  • Ways to estimate how long a project will take.
  • Tips on breaking down a project and assigning it to team members.
  • Why being specialized in more than one thing is vital to the success of the Agile Marketing team.
  • Jeff’s thoughts on taking baby steps when it comes to marketing. Where can you start so you’re headed toward achieving your goals?
  • Tips on hitting a deadline, delegating work, incentivizing your team members, and ending a project.

Realities of Agile Marketing

Speaker: Roland Smart, VP of Social and Community Marketing, Oracle

Summary: Roland Smart is both a student and visionary of marketing practices, procedures and continuous improvement. Not being a formally trained marketer, Roland is constantly learning and feeding his results back in a test driven development process.

He performs his own research for his agile marketing podcast, has authored a book on the same subject and spends is daytime hours at Oracle as VP of Social and Community Marketing.

In this episode, Roland and I talk about Agile marketing and how traditional marketing planning has become extinct and given way to more nimble Agile methods. Innovation is fueling marketing resource turnover in Fortune 500 brands and concurrently surrendering market share by disrupters in just about every industry.

Roland gives us some statistics on what he sees in his own research about organizations making a successful transformation to agile marketing and what steps you can take to begin the journey.

Agile Marketing: Run Your Marketing Team Like a Successful Tech Team

Speakers: Katie Tuohy, Account Director, ClearEdge Marketing

Summary: Agile marketing is based on concepts that were developed for software development, which has long used the strategy to focus on rapid iterations of project execution. Katie shares how in a past position as VP of Global Marketing, her marketing team took the same approach as her company’s software team to become more productive and focused on high value activity.

Her team adopted the tenets of agile marketing and achieved:

  • Increased internal visibility on active projects.
  • Improved collaboration among team members.
  • Provided heightened visibility on projects to important leaders outside of their own department.
  • Produced quicker and more-focused deliverables because they evaluated everything they were doing by the value it provided to the organization.

Wondering how agile marketing works? It still involves a long-term strategic plan like traditional marketing, but agile focuses on running highly focused projects within two-week sprints.

Using a physical scrum board, similar to those that developers use, it shows the backlog of work, to-do list, in-process items, completed items and waiting list items. This offers incomparable visibility into project progress.

Katie also explains how agile marketing is beneficial in large organizations where there are a lot of requests being made from outside of the department.

For example, by the sales team, tech team, etc. Agile is also incredibly helpful when a marketing team simply has a lot on their plate! Agile marketing lets teams stay focused on completing one project at a time and holds everyone accountable, while at simultaneously keeping overarching company goals top of mind.

How to Get Started with Agile Marketing

Speakers: Kate Moore, VP of Marketing, LeanKit

Summary: What does Agile and the Kanban framework look like at the Leankit marketing department? Their VP of Marketing shares learnings from the journey of her 20 person marketing group.

  • Comparing the benefits of an Agile approach vs others
  • How her team has become closer and better at managing conflict 
  • The importance of having an Agile mindset and getting feedback faster
  • Why visualizing your work is so important for culture

How to Keep Content Agile and Responsive

Speakers: Andrea Fryrear, Co-founder, Agile Marketing Coach and Trainer, AgileSherpas

Summary: Massive marketing campaigns with bright shiny content are sexy. They showcase all the bells and whistles that a team has to offer their company and the audience.

But are they the best method in the long run?

Andrea posits that the answer is no.

Borrowing from the world of software development, she and her AgileSherpas are retraining the marketing world to work smaller, harder, and leaner.

Focusing on smaller campaigns with limited roll-outs while the content is still developing allows your team to respond to customer feedback in close to real-time. Being able to make quick adjustments early on leads to a campaign that is ultimately more relevant, more engaging, and more successful.

To support this approach of small yet highly adaptive projects, marketers need to cut the fat off the projects they are working on. Keeping the plate half or two-thirds full allows for a cushion to adapt and react as customers begin responding to your campaigns. Lastly, breaking down silos and ensuring there is a natural cross-functional flow is necessary to limit the number of project handoffs during the campaign.

Agile Marketing: The New Approach You Need to be a Well-Rounded Marketer

Speakers: Jeff Julian, co-founder of Enterprise Marketer

Summary: An agile marketer isn’t necessarily someone who is up to date on the latest trends and able to create content quickly based on what their audience wants to consume.

While that type of marketer is absolutely necessary, every marketing department must be full of people who can wear multiple hats. In this podcast, Jeff Julian, author of Agile Marketing: Building Endurance for Your Content Marketing Team, shares how marketers should “major” in certain disciplines, but “minor” in others: Marketers must be agile.

Using Agile Marketing to Grow Your Business

Speakers: Stu Fisher, Principal Consultant, Sentient Consulting

Summary: Topics covered include:

  • What are agile processes?
  • It’s about being agile, not doing agile
  • Four pillars of agile marketing
  • The methodology
  • Who are you building for?
  • What are you building and why are you building it?

How to Save Tons of Time With Agile Marketing

Speakers: Andrea Fryrear, President and Lead Trainer, AgileSherpas

Marketing Agility Podcast

Speakers: Many!

Of course this list wouldn’t be complete without mentioning the Marketing Agility Podcast, co-hosted by Roland Smart and Frank Days. It’s been around for a loooong time, and it’s had some spectacular guests (as you’ll see from this abbreviated list).

So if you’re not a subscriber, go fix that now. You'll also find links to several specific episodes below. 

Agile Marketing Podcast

Speakers: Many! 

Hosts: Eva Jackson and Muhammad Yasin

Billed as "the premier podcast for process-minded marketers," you'll find tons of real talk from practitioners here. 

First Time Starting an Agile Content Team

Speaker: Justin Zimmerman, The RedX

Summary: In this episode we talk with Justin Zimmerman who leads the content team at The RedX a company that develops software to support real-estate professionals.

This is Justin’s first foray into adopting Agile—like many marketers he’s educating himself and learning on the job. We’ll hear how he’s approaching adoption, what’s working, and what’s not.

We were interested in hearing how he scoped the teams work based on words written per iteration. He also, shared some interesting insights on how he won executive buy-in by representing their previous work in the context of Agile boards.

This episode offers inspiration for those content marketers that are getting started. 

Agile Transformation at IBM

Speaker: Jayson Gehri

Summary: In this episode we interview Jayson Gehri who serves as the marketing director for IBM’s Hybrid Data Management group. This is Jayson’s second tour implementing Agile having previously worked in the Dell marketing group.

This time around they’re taking a different, more flexible, approach to rolling out Agile. With full CMO buy-in and support, the organization is about a year into the transformation.

In this session we’ll hear from Jayson about how he came to Agile, what he’s learned along the way, and how they are approaching scale at IBM. We tend to think of companies like Big Blue as committed to well defined processes and “interlock” but our conversation seems to indicate that big changes are afoot—at least in the marketing function at IBM.

Insights from an Agile Agency

Speaker: Nicci Shaw, Intelligent Demand

Summary: This episode features a conversation with Nicci Shaw of Intelligent Demand, a full-service integrated marketing agency. She’s a Scrum certified marketer who spent time at web-design shops and has significant experience working with technical teams.

Like many marketers, that was her introduction to Agile. We don’t hear from that many agency leaders so if you’re at an agency or work with them this conversation should be of interest.

Intelligent Demand’s clients typically do not have an Agile practice in-house already, so Nicci talks about how to introduce Agile without presenting it as “process change” or outside the scope of the engagement.

Some of the other topics we touch on include:

  • Preventing the theory from getting in the way of practice
  • How her firm mixes elements of Agile and Lean
  • Transitioning to cross-functional teams as part of their Agile adoption
  • Balancing planned and unplanned work

Applying Agile to Growth

Speaker: Ferdinand Goetzen, Recruitee

Summary: In this session we’re thrilled to be joined by Ferdinand Goetzen who serves as the head of growth at Recruitee. Ferdinand is based in the Netherlands but came up working for a number of companies across Europe including The Growth Tribe Academy.

In this session, he speaks about how his Agile journey was inspired by The Lean Startup and our good friend Eric Reis. Today his focus is on fueling growth through experiments and testing that are coordinated with both product and marketing teams.

Listen in to learn about:

  • How Recruitee has adopted some of the structures from the Spotify Model — and, If that peaks your interest you should check out our previous interview with Jonathan Rasmusson from Spotify.
  • How focusing on growth has allowed Ferdinand to be a bit more prescriptive than more broadly focused marketers might be.
  • Handling significant growth within his own team.

Update on Agile at CA Technologies

Speaker: Cameron van Orman, CA Technologies

Summary: In this session we’re thrilled to bring on another marketer from CA Technologies, Cameron van Orman is the Senior Vice President of Product Marketing. He oversees product marketing for the entire CA portfolio and reports into the CMO and the Chief Product Officer.

In the past, we’ve spoken with people on Cameron’s team so this is an opportunity to up-level the conversation and understand the perspective of a senior executive.

This session touches on a range of topics related to the challenges of scaling Agile. Listen in to get a glimpse into:

  • How CA’s transformation was influenced by their acquisition of Rally (now CA Agile Central)
  • The role that the Scaled Agile Framework has played (SAFe)
  • How scaling on-boarded non-collocated teams and what they did about it
  • What drove CA to be a bit less prescriptive over time as the team grew from 30 to over 100
  • The need to get middle management involved

Taking Agile from Product Management to Marketing

Speaker: Rachel Krug, Right Networks

Summary: In this episode we talk with Rachel Krug who leads the marketing function at Right Networks, a firm that helps companies bring their accounting systems to the cloud. Rachel was familiar with Agile from her work as a product manager at Constant Contact, but found herself adapting Agile for the marketing function in her current role.

She manages a small cross-functional team including a content lead, field marketer, marketing ops lead, and a partnerships leader. Plus, like most marketers at smaller firms, she relies on outside contractors and service providers.

When Rachel arrived the team was operating in a reactive fashion without a rigorous operations or planning practice. In this session, she talks about introducing Agile with a handful of rituals and how those have made a huge impact on how the team functions and the results they produce.

Listen in to learn about why she focused measurement and tracking out of the gate, and how Agile later influenced a major product launch.

Catching up with Kirstin Falk

Speaker: Kirstin Falk, Charles Schwab

Summary: In this episode we welcome back an early guest from the show, Kirstin Falk who serves as the managing director of brand innovation and social at Charles Schwab. When we originally spoke with Kirsten she was leading the marketing function at Red Brick Media.

In this episode Kirstin speaks about why she did not introduce Agile right away, in favor of deeply understanding the endemic culture at Schwab.

In fact, it took a full year before she started introducing the approach. Four years later they are still at the beginning of the Agile journey but she’s seen significant mindset change.

Where there was resistance previously, she sees more awareness and significant demand for Agile. In fact, Agile training is now available to all marketing employees.

Agile Content Marketing

Speaker: Mathew Sweezey, Salesforce

Summary: In this episode we talk with Mathew Sweezey an author and speaker who serves as a marketing insights leader at Salesforce. Mathew joined Salesforce via their acquisition of Pardot, a marketing automation service, and was introduced to Agile through a close working relationship with the development team there.

In this session, he talks about how Agile is becoming the default operating system for marketing—though he acknowledges that many marketers are still not yet aware of an Agile Marketing movement. In fact, he shares that his own experience with Agile started before his team called it Agile.

Mathew is a content marketing expert to follow—he educates internal teams, clients and prospects about Agile marketing and marketing modernization. Enjoy! Also, in this session, Mathew mentions a film called Art&Copy that’s worth watching.

Agile Content at Atlassian

Speaker: Claire Drumond, Atlassian

Summary: For this episode we reached out to Claire Drumond who is a content strategist and product marketer at Atlassian. In this episode we touch on:

  • How Claire settled into a blended method between Kanban and Scrum (Scrumban)
  • The degree to which she iterates on content
  • How she uses Hip Chat (messaging) in concern with task management (Jira)
  • and how she views her content as a product

Fair disclosure, we’ve been Atlassian users over the years so bring that as context to our conversation. We look forward to bringing Claire back in 6 months or so after Atlassian has done more to integrate Trello into their portfolio.

At present on the most common things that we hear from marketers is that Jira is built for technical users rather than business users. Presumably Trello will help address this but that discussion was a bit premature for this episode.

The Agile Sales Team

Speaker: Marina Simonova, Agile Space

Summary: In this episode we’re expanding our horizons a bit by interviewing Marina Simonova about her work bringing the Agile approach to marketing and sales teams.

Marina is a Moscow-based Agile Coach with Agile Space and has worked with more Agile sales teams than anyone else we’ve met. She’s a certified coach and Scrum Master who has found techniques for bridging the marketing/sales divide with Agile practices.

Marina’s recent article 10 Steps of Agile transformation of sales is a great primer on why Agile is a good fit for sales, how to get started, and what some of the most common challenges area.

It's fascinating to hear from a practitioner who is coming to Agile from the sales side first. In this conversation we discuss:

  • Why sales may be a more natural fit for Agile than marketing because of it’s focus on time-boxed iterations.
  • How Agile practice can help align marketing and sales
  • How combined sales and marketing teams are able to outperform traditional teams

Agile Marketing Operations

Speaker: Mark Verone, Gogo

Summary: In this episode we talk with Mark Verone about his work adapting Agile to marketing and operations at Gogo. I initially got to know Mark through a six-part Forbes series on the topic of Agile Marketing. If you haven't come across this content it’s worth a read.

In this conversation we really delve into operational aspects of Agile. Mark has a proper enterprise context that means integrating many systems that support his practice. Thus the conversation covers both marketing practices but also some of the platforms that support the practices.

Mark’s team relies heavily on Jira. It's interesting because many marketing teams initially struggle with more robust solutions like Jira and prefer lighter-weight applications like Asana or LeanKit. There’s some fascinating bits in here about how he’s customized workflows to support his team practice.

We also touch on why Mark’s team gravitated to Scrumban and how they’ve organized themselves with respect to aspects of the supply chain he manages.

Additional episodes are available here.

Agile Best Practices

Speaker: Alan Annis, SWD Urethane

Summary: The podcast is hosted by Alan Annis, Marketing Director at SWD Urethane. In this episode, he is joined by Andrea Fryrear, Agile Trainer and Coach and Co-Founder of AgileSherpas. Andrea shares her best practices for Agile Marketing, as well as tips for setting up a new Agile team. Some of the topics covered include:

  • Applying Agile to a pilot team, instead of a temporary project team, that is dedicated 100% to applying Agile ways of working 
  • Putting an extreme focus on workflow visibility by implementing visual boards to facilitate complete transparency of the current workload
  • Avoid starting an Agile transformation with Scrum if you are not prepared to invest the necessary resources to practice it by the book from the beginning

Agile Marketing User Stories

Speaker: Andrea Fryrear, Frank Days, Software CMO and Startup Advisor

Summary: In this episode of the Marketing Agility Podcast, Andrea Fryrear of AgileSherpas joins Frank Days to discuss Scaling Agile Marketing. She shares stories from her recent client work along with insights that she has collected as she collected research for her upcoming book. Some of the highlights include:

  • Common challenges for marketing teams when getting started with Agile
  • Dealing with structural shifts and role changes to facilitate agility
  • How to scale Agile from a pilot group to the whole marketing organization 
  • Lessons learned from using Scrum, SAFe, and LeSS
  • Overview of the new AgileSherpas Rimarketing Framework ™

Introducing: Deep Dive into Agile Marketing Podcast 

Speaker: John Cass, Co-founder of the Boston Agile Marketing Meetup

Summary: The pilot episode of the podcast features Alan Belniak, Senior Product Manager at VHB, who shares his experience drawing from a decades long career at various B2B tech companies. Alan gives you the unique perspective of a person who started his career in tech and later transitioned to a marketing role. Tune in to hear about:

  • The process differences between working in a tech team vs working in a marketing team
  • How to introduce Agile to a marketing team without even mentioning the buzzword 
  • Alan’s experience with different Agile frameworks in a marketing environment and use case examples
  • Differences between practicing Agile marketing in larger departments compared to small marketing teams

Agile Worst Practices 

Speaker: Alan Annis, SWD Urethane

Summary: The podcast is hosted by Alan Annis. In this episode, he is once again joined by Andrea Fryrear of AgileSherpas. This time, Andrea shares the worst practices for Agile Marketing and solutions for the situations when you might already be guilty of one or multiple worst practices. Tune in to hear the long list of mistakes that you should avoid at all costs to achieve true marketing agility. Here’s a glimpse of the mistakes that Alan and Andrea cover in their conversation:

  • Mandating an Agile transformation without providing proper support. Learn what comes as a result and how to resolve it if you are in a middle management  position
  • Assuming that everyone on the team will figure out how to be Agile by themselves
  • Achieving results without presenting them outside of the team

Scrum for Agile Marketing

Speaker: Dave West, CEO and Product Owner,

Summary: In this series of five episodes, Dave West is joined by David Carmichael of Avanade and the Research Director of SiriusDecisions Simon Jones. Together, they examine the benefits of agility in marketing, how an agile operating model affects marketing, brand ownership and more. Here’s what each episode covers in closer detail:

  • Episode 1 - How changing the approach to marketing transforms the results you are achieving
  • Episode 2 - How an Agile operating model affects marketing and brand ownership
  • Episode 3 - How Product Owners add real value to a Scrum for organizations and users alike
  • Episode 4 - How budgeting and other factors affect the way Agile marketing is planned
  • Episode 5 - How Scrum and Agile marketing align to every organization’s  long-term planning 

Scaling Agile Marketing

Speaker: Frank Days, Software CMO and Startup Advisor

Summary: In this episode of the Marketing Agility Podcast, Kiley Vorreiter, a creative program manager at Vrbo (formerly HomeAway) shares her experience in scaling Agile marketing. She gives an interesting perspective from the position of someone who is in (what she refers to as)the “messy middle” of scaling agile. Tune in to:

  • Learn how Vrbo started their Agile marketing transformation and what stages were they went through on their journey
  • Hear some of the amazing results Kiley’s team achieved in the 18 months since they embraced marketing agility
  • Get her perspective on scaling Agile in a marketing organization with hundreds of employees
  • Learn how Vrbo aligns their strategic planning process with the backlogs of all of their individual execution teams

Combining Content and Agile Marketing

Speaker: Scott Ingram, Strategic Account Manager, Relationship One

Summary: Episode 71 of Relationship One’s podcast features Todd Linden, eMarketing Manager at Thermo Fisher Scientific. Todd gives insight about a project his team recently took. They combined content and agile marketing to help his colleagues be involved in the entire customer journey from start to finish. Tune in to learn how to:

  • Lay the groundwork for an Agile content marketing strategy 
  • Remove organizational silos and bring everyone to the table by establishing a clear messaging strategy that aligns back to tactics from the very beginning.
  • Succeed in relying on the diversity of your team’s knowledge about marketing and TFS products

Agile Marketing Week on Martech Podcast

Speaker: Benjamin Shapiro, Brand Development & Growth Marketing Strategy Consultant, benjshap LLC

Summary: In the past year, the Martech Podcast has released five consecutive episodes on topics related to Agile marketing. In their camp, Agile Marketing Week featured Roland Smart, VP of Marketing at Pantheon and focused  on:

  • Bringing agility to marketing operations
  • The right way of approaching agile transformations
  • Driving sustainable growth with Agile content
  • How Web Ops facilitates agility
  • Building an Agile marketing technology stack

The Case For Agile Marketing: What 400+ Marketers Reveal As Top Benefits And Barriers

Speaker: Eric Piela, Senior Marketing Manager, WEX

Summary: In this episode of Actionable Marketing Podcast by CoSchedule, Eric Piela is joined by Andrea Fryrear, AgileSherpas co-founder, and Agile marketing coach. During the podcast, she shares findings from a survey of 447 marketers identified as the top benefits of implementing an Agile marketing approach to their work. Some of the highlights of the episode include:

  • Pace is not the top benefit marketers get from Agile, even if it is the most popular one that people refer to when they talk about Agile 
  • Desire to increase productivity, improve prioritization, and allow time to be innovative and creative are the top reasons why marketers are moving to Agile
  • Overview of the common practices implemented by Agile marketing teams like stand-ups, usage of tools for visualizing work, and others
  • How to overcome Agile skepticism in your organization 

#65: Agile Marketing, with Andrea Fryrear

Speakers: Andrea Fryrear, Co-founder, Agile Marketing Coach and Trainer, AgileSherpas

Summary: What’s Agile Marketing? If you don’t know you better ask somebody, or just listen to this episode.  

Andrea Fryrear joins the If You Market They Shall Come Podcast to discuss all things Agile Marketing including: 

  • Why you should use Agile Marketing techniques
  • How to implement Scrum, Kanban, WIP Limits, Sprints
  • How to run a successful Agile Marketing Pilot

We’ll keep adding to this list as the topic continues to explode over the coming months. 

If you’ve been on/seen/heard/ a piece of content that you’d like to see on this list, let me know at andrea[at]agilesherpas[dot]com.

Happy learning!


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